i’ve really been into this whole marble thing lately and since i couldn’t find any cool covers for my phone except super-kitsch-hello-kitty-crap i decided to design my own. i just downloaded a marble pattern picture, printed here and it looks amazeballs!
insgeheim liebe ich ja den ganzen pärchen kitsch: jogginganzüge im partnerlook und kosenamen gehören bei uns zur tagesordnung. da unsere kosenamen aber mit dem gleichen buchstaben beginnen (bimbo & bimba), haben wir für dieses DIY unsere richtigen initialen (andrea & madeleine) verwendet. das schöne ist nicht nur das ergebnis, sondern die prozedur drum herum! musik hören, süßigkeiten mampfen und die zeit gemeinsam lustig verbringen. das ganze ist relativ simpel (alles andere würde mich handwerklich überfordern). ihr braucht:
2. gut deckende acrylfarbe (wir haben diese verwendet)
3. pinsel
4. finito! das ergebnis steht jetzt in unserem schlafzimmer. so schön kitschig, i love it!
as i’m secretly a sucker for cheesy couple things, we decided to spend an afternoon getting these paper letters and coloring them together. it’s such a fun activity as we were eating candy, listening to music and enjoying our time together. the whole “diy” (which it isn’t that much) is quite simple:
wir schreiben das jahr 1997. alle kinder des werkunterrichts bestaunen ihre kunstwerke, die lehrerin klopft ihnen anerkennend auf die schulter. aus einer ecke kommt ein schluchzen. madeleine weint. sie ist das einzige kind, dass schon am ersten schritt gescheitert ist: eine gerade linie zu schneiden. die lehrerin versucht sie aufzumuntern: “du bist nun mal sehr ungeduldig. für’s basteln braucht man eine ruhige hand. du hast bestimmt andere stärken!”
wir schreiben das jahr 2013. madeleine kann immer noch nicht basteln, dafür kann sie fotografieren. und eines hat madeleine in den letzten 17 jahren gelernt: wo ein talent fehlt, springt das andere gerne ein. und für pompoms muss man nicht mal gut basteln können, denn sie gehen so:
1. du brauchst seidenpapier, schere und schnur
2. acht blätter seidenpapier übereinander legen, sie wie eine ziehharmonika falten, eine schnur in der mitte herum binden
3. enden rund schneiden
4. schichten vorsichtig auseinander ziehen – fertig!
PS: wer meine fotos ausborgen möchte soll bitte nicht vergessen die quelle zu verlinken! ein anderes schönes DIY findet ihr hier.
i used to be the worst student in craft class at school. many years later i am still terrible at crafting but i have one plus: i’m good at taking photos. so if you lack one talent, the other one willingly helps out. also, pompoms are really easy to make:
1. you need tissue paper, scissors and a cord
2. stack eight sheets of paper, fold them like an accordion and tie a piece of cord around the middle
3. cut the ends round/pointy
4. separate the layers gently – done!
all these photos were taken by me. if you wish to borrow them don’t forget to link the source!
After my bedroom post a lot of you asked about those clips on my wall. i first saw them in a store in madrid and have been looking for them EVERYWHERE ever since. it was even hard for me finding out what they’re called! i finally ended up finding them on amazon (link on the images below) and they’re actually called “maulklammern” in german and the english pendant would be “letter clip” or something like that. They’re super cheap and I just love the minimal look it gives my bedroom.
after i have been obsessing over alexa chung’s hair for almost a year now, i have finally had the guts to try an ombre diy. as you know i barely ever go to the hairdresser because i just always pay loads of money for unsatisfying results. so i started to cut my hair at home, last time the boyfriend cut it and now i finally colored it at home.
there are so many good products but i was really unlucky to be in italy, where there’s only a very small selection of products that make your hair brighter (most people here are naturally brunette, so the market for bleach isn’t as big). so the only thing i found was schwarzkopf nordic blonde highlight set. here’s the video i promised and the steps below! hope you like it!
1. read the instructions of the product carefully (some have to be applied on wet, some on dry hair)
2. apply bleach to the very ends of your hair, wrap it in aluminum foil
3. wait (the time for your hair color is indicated in the instructions) but make sure to check on your hair every once in a while, it mostly takes a lot shorter!
4. wash out the color
5. repeat step 2 with covering more hair in color, this way the ends will be a little hair and the color will gradually blend in nicely
6. wait again for a while, still checking on the progress
7. rinse out and wash your hair
some tipps: it’s better to bleach your hair on the second or third day after washing. this way the hair will absorb the color a lot better. also make sure to use good products, since bleach is pretty aggressive on your hair. a serum or anything silkening will do it’s job to keep your hair soft and shiney!