

andy warhol + bugaboo collection
bugaboo: the ferrari of all strollers. and also probably a blogging mother’s dream. last week i was invited to the press launch of the bugaboo buffalo and actually decided to go (even though i am nowhere close to having kids, but i was hoping they would bave some cute babies there, i really wanted to pinch some chubby cheeks!). i was actually very interested in looking behind this world of mums that walk around manhattan with their newborn sitting in a bugaboo, sipping their moccha frapuccinos, wearing stella mccartney jogging pants and prada sunglasses.

a stroller as a statussymbol? never thought something like this existed. well it does and it’s called bugaboo! according to max barenbrug, founder of bugaboo, the stroller is made for the parents, especially for men. i didn’t find that explanation quite politically correct (i studied design engineering so technical aspects are still very interesting as a woman) but apart from that i couldn’t quite believe what this little fella is capable of doing. you can bring it basically everywhere (sand, mountains, etc.) and still have a smooth ride. it can hold 16kg of luggage and if your baby is really fat you can also still have it sit in the buffalo, since the seat space can hold up to 23kg (i still don’t hope anyone has a baby like that). like all the bugaboo’s it’s super light and not that i know much about strollers, but as it is with anything you have to carry around all day: light is always better.
one thing is now clear to me: fashion goes far further than clothes, interior or food styling. everyday products become now fashionable.. maybe stylish wheelchairs will be the next big thing?

the new bugaboo buffalo


H&M trend leather tote / Bershka football jersey and vintage camouflage bag

i am back in vienna! for two amazing events: one will be the diesel d-day in the south of austria this sunday and monday and the other one will be backyard sale  taking place this saturday at pratersauna from 12pm to 8pm! just like last year i will be selling many things from my wardrobe just as these pieces you have seen in some outfits! i hope many of you will come to buy, chat and just have some fun! there will be many other sellers, such as my favorite sneaker store zapateria and also drinks, food, party. be there or be square!

 h&m trend knitted sweater / house of holland shirt
topshop silver tote and bershka ripped jeans


back from a wonderful time at my very own castle. despite the rain i spent such a good time at “schloß stülpe” in the middle of nowhere. thanks to zalando twenty two bloggers from all over europe were invited to this picturesque place an hour away from berlin. the days wethere’s also a video in the making, until then be ready for a photo overload!!

norwegian blogger ulrikke

skirt, coat and bag ZARA / sweater & OTHER STORIES
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