

in einem halb italienischen haushalt kommt pasta ständig in allen möglichen variationen auf den tisch. zu meinem lieblingsrezept ist dieses mega einfache gericht geworden. ihr braucht:
– 250g pasta
– einen becher sahne / schlagobers
– 125 g frischen blattspinat
– geriebener parmesan (optional)
spinat in heißem wasser kochen, danach mit einem mixstab pürieren (ich verwende diesen hier). zwischenzeitlich die pasta kochen. der pürierte spinat wird in einer pfanne mit etwas olivenöl angedünstet, dann mit der sahne aufgegossen, kurz gekocht und der parmesan beigemengt. danach die sauce der abgeschöpften pasta beigeben und nach belieben salzen / pfeffern.

total einfach und richtig lecker!

today’s recipe is so easy and yummy! as we’re sharing an austro-italian household we’re having pasta on most days. for this recipe, which is one of my favorite dishes ever, you need:

– 250g pasta
– a cup of cream
– 125g fresh spinach leaves
– grinded parmesan (optional)

boil the spinach in hot water, then blend it with a blender (i use this one). meanwhile cook the pasta. pour the spinach into a pan and steam it with a little bit of olive oil. add the entire cup of cream into the pan and add the parmesan. add the pasta to the spinach sauce, spice with salt and pepper. done!


as you might have read on instagram the boy has finally made his way to vienna and we’re now united happily ever after (yes, that’s a love story!). celebrating our first night together, we were super excited to try out harry’s time, a restaurant i have walked by so, so many times but never actually had the time to try it.

the thing i really liked about the place was, apart from the beef tartare that was one of the best i have ever had, that they offer menu only. we were able to choose from a few different menu sizes (5 courses / 7 courses / endless courses) and decided to go for the 7 course one (i have oriental genes, you know i can eat a lot!). well 7 courses later i rolled out of the place (damned myself for putting on super tight jeans) but we really loved it (if you plan on going there the 5 course menu should be enough!). the dessert: chocolate cake with a liquid inside. do i have to say any more? don’t think so. now we are planing on trying more and more places as i have been away for a while and have missed out on so many new places. any suggestions, guys?

shirt ZARA / necklace CLAIRE’S (similar here) / coat MASSIMO DUTTI (similar here)


ever since i lived in the US when i was 17, i have been a fan of that heavenly place called smoothie king. coming back and living in europe i have been very lazy concerning my smoothie love (apart from this desaster once)…

then all of a sudden last week the kenwood 2go smoothie maker (buy it here) landed in my mail and apart from my huge fetish for kitchen machines (anything that will make my life easier in the kitchen makes my pain when cooking less) i was super excited to try that spacy smoothie machine from the future out. i wasn’t very convinced about only 300 Watt at first, but my first smoothie turned out d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s and the most amazing thing about it: it comes with cups you can directly blend in but also take away for the office of whatever (not that i have a job and office to go to… #unemployed).
 Kenwood Smoothie 2GO
the “smoothie recipe” (not really a recipe at all): mango, melon, strawberries, milk and a little bit of basil.
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