you know what I love (–> insert sarcasm here)? people who have fashion blogs claiming they’re super grunge, punk and hippster-whatever. they show their piercings, crazy died hair and pretend to be the ultimate capitalist rebel. then they wear 200 euro brogues. reeeeally?
anyway, i am not getting into details here. i spent a crazy busy weekend and feel like i’m having a mini-burnout, that’s why today i am being the laziest bastard ever. i treated myself with some a-w-e-s-o-m-e velvet leggings and a velvet dress. that’s probably even more hypocrite than what i described in the begining of this post: buying brand new things that look like they’re from the 80ies, haha.
sooo, on friday i saw CITY AND COLOUR (thank you, dani!) and it was seriously on of the best concerts i’ve ever seen in my entire life. i cried, yes i did! that’s how beautiful it was.
saturday was incredibly busy. first i went to wonderful WE BANDITS, who pitched their tent at yppenplatz for all of october.

afterwards we made our way to the guerilla bakery. i have heard so much about it and always wanted to go. i had really high expectations, but to be frank: it all felt like a freakin mass processing. there were thousands of people, squeezed into a tiny little room, everything had to go incredibly fast, there wasn’t even’t time to look at what you were about to buy. the athmosphere in there was awful. on the other hands the baked goods were really delicious. we got two muffins and a brownie. 10 euros all together is a a lot of money. especially since it felt like being on an assembly belt. too bad, the concept of it all did sound good to me.