2. acht blätter seidenpapier übereinander legen, sie wie eine ziehharmonika falten, eine schnur in der mitte herum binden
3. enden rund schneiden
4. schichten vorsichtig auseinander ziehen – fertig!
how to
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Dekorative Kosmetik: welche sind deine absoluten Highlights?
Was für Marken würdest du partout nicht empfehlen?
Nachdem ich Verpackungsdesignjunkie bin und gerne hübsche Produkte in meinem Badezimmer aufstelle, landet verstaubte Öko-Kosmetik wie man sie von früher kennt ebenfalls kaum in meinem Einkaufskörbchen.
Naturkosmetik im Drogeriemarkt: Was hältst du davon?
Sooooooo many have been asking me (especially on instagram) and it’s finally here: my personal smokey eye tutorial.
It’s my nightmare to be without make-up in front of the entire internet but then i assumed that every girl probably thinks that way 🙂 i am still figuring out how to film and the best way to do tutorials so sorry if this isn’t too professional yet! back to the smokey eyes: there will be another tutorial on a slightly heavier, more complex version but i thought i’d start with the more day-suitable version: a look you can even wear for work! enjoy!
Products used:
Real Techniques Core Collection http://bit.ly/GO3KPf
Real Techniques Blush Brush http://bit.ly/1fZHrXh
Kiko Eyes 213 Eyes Brush http://bit.ly/15ViCHD
Diorskin Nude Foundation (030 Medium Beige) http://bit.ly/17fMJ7x
Bare Minerals Original Foundation (Light W15) http://bit.ly/15VgOyn
Shiseido Natural Finish Cream Concealer (3 Medium) http://bit.ly/GGAB93
Givenchy Eyebrow Show Pencil http://bit.ly/1fZJw5j
Benefit Brow Story Speed Brow http://bit.ly/15VhvYo
Artdeco Eyeshadow Base http://amzn.to/19lY4VI
Kiko Long Lasting Eyeshadow Stick (Black) http://bit.ly/15ViCHD
Beni Durrer Eyeshadow Palette http://bit.ly/17WpDq4
L’Oréal Paris False Lash Butterfly Mascara http://bit.ly/1fZJFpo
Kiko Alluring Multicolour Bronzer 02 – Limited Edition
Art DecoBronzing Powder Compact 06 http://bit.ly/GO8q7R
Dior Addict Ultra Gloss Flash 542 http://bit.ly/1gqiXEe (this is the newer version)
I am wearing: Blouse from Zara, Necklace from Claire’s
googling the issue didn’t get me very far for two reasons: i am neither alexa chung nor 1,80 m tall. so first question: how can a midget like me (1,60 m) wear that saggy big thing without looking too preggo? i tried some versions out an came up with the following options to wear a trench coat with: navy striped shirts / slim leather trousers / high waisted skirts / cut off denim shorts / tone-in-tone colors. as you can see i decided to go for the last option, fit perfectly to vienna’s weather that day.