guess how excited i was when erica from “blue is in fashion this year” (a blog i love) contacted me for a little feature on grazia.it! read the full feature here.
sono molto contenta per questo feature su grazia.it! grazie a erica di “blue is in fashion this year“!
mixing patterns. new territory. totally living on the edge these days! i am back in milan, the best week of the year has started: salone del mobile week! ready for the fair and many, many parties.
sono tornato a milano e non vedo l’ora per il salone del mobile!
before showing you a little more about the chanel little black jacket opening in milan yesterday, which has been the best party in milan so far, here’s what we wore last night. i decided to go with some brighter colors, as i knew most people would wear black. the boyfriend / photographer never wears a suit, but damn he pulls it off well.
prima di farvi vedere le photo dello chanel little black jacket opening, che é stato il miglior party in cui sono stata a milano, qui le foto di quello che indossavamo. ho scelto i colori chiari, sapendo che la maggior parte avrebbe indossato vestiti scuri.