Dieses Wochenende ist es soweit! Gemeinsam mit willhaben verkaufe ich beim Feschmarkt in Wien viele heiß geliebte Stücke, die sich nun auf den Weg in die weite Welt machen. An drei Tagen wird es zahlreiche Fair Fashion, aber auch herkömmliche Mode gebraucht zu kaufen geben. Eine klitzekleine Preview gibt es heute! Für Preise schaut bitte mein Verkaufsprofil auf willhaben an.
shop my closet

H&M trend leather tote / Bershka football jersey and vintage camouflage bag
i am back in vienna! for two amazing events: one will be the diesel d-day in the south of austria this sunday and monday and the other one will be backyard sale taking place this saturday at pratersauna from 12pm to 8pm! just like last year i will be selling many things from my wardrobe just as these pieces you have seen in some outfits! i hope many of you will come to buy, chat and just have some fun! there will be many other sellers, such as my favorite sneaker store zapateria and also drinks, food, party. be there or be square!

h&m trend knitted sweater / house of holland shirt

topshop silver tote and bershka ripped jeans

Guys, as I am in Vienna and able to ship things, I am opening my store again for a few days. There’s some real highlights, like these brand new Etro heels! Hope you enjoy the shopping…
Since I am back in Vienna for a few days, you have the chance to shop some of my closet. We accept orders until Wednesday night, so go go go to dariadaria.tictail.com.

after taking a break from seeling things from my closet, I have now updated my store at Kleiderkreisel. To shop some of my things, like these amazing givenchy heels, click here.