3. Berlin: the lovely people from zalando have invited me to Berlin for their “summer house”. i will be spending a weekend at their summer house together with amazing mentos such as Lidewij Edelkoort (i already went to one of her lectures on trendforecasting, she is INCREDIBLE) and many others.
4. Vienna: some of you already visited last year and also this year, i will be selling my old clothes at the backyard sale on june 8th!
my personal highlight, apart from being on an actual beach within an hour (i am austrian, this is huge to me!) and sitting in the sun having drinks, i got to see the band i was crazy about with fourteen: millencolin! i enjoyed myself so much, screaming to all their songs i still had memorized. i even did some pogo – not exactly the thing you would expect a fashion blogger to do.
a while ago i was asked by stylight to write a little article on my new home milan. i moved here in september and have been getting to know the city pretty well. so i was more than happy to share some knowledge with you guys, who might come visit! click here to read the article in german andhere for english. anyway: who knows where these images were taken? any suggestions?