ihr wisst ich bin ein riesen fan von ganz simplen outfits, die aber nach “etwas” aussehen. ein lockerer boyfriend coat, slim jeans und ballerinas – works every time!
ps: ich habe kürzlich ein video in kooperation mit l’oréal paris gedreht, welches ihr hier sehen könnt!

as you know i’m a huge fan of simple outfits, that still look like “something”. a boyfriend coat, slim jeand and flats – works every time!
ps: i recently shot a video in cooperation with l’oréal paris, which you can see here (sorry it’s in german!).

flats MYSUELLY / jeans ACNE / bag CÉLINE TRIO / coat COS (OLD) / sunnies CÉLINE AUDREY


congrats to the most wonderful person on this planet for officially finishing his studies of graphic design and art direction. i couldn’t be more proud of my boy, who is not only one of the most creative and talented people in the field, but also the best boyfriend i could imagine. now we’re off to new adventures.. stay tuned!

shoes MYSUELLY / coat COS (bought three years ago)


Rule #1 If you’re in love with an expensive piece… wait!
Rule #2 If you have waited for a few years and still love it… go!

That’s pretty much my love story with the Céline Trio bag. When I first saw the bag in 2012 I knew immediately: this is MY bag (even more after seeing it on Victoria after her wedding). But still being a reasonable person I NEVER went to look at it while living in Milan for a whole year (I was still a student back then). So now being back, all grown up an working girl, I decided to give it a chance: if they’d have black trios in stock, I’d go for it. And the luck was on my side: a few black babies came back in stock at the Milan Céline store a few days back and it took me only a few seconds to decide. The perfect crossbody bag – it’s finally mine and I couldn’t be happier.


nachhaltig produzierte schuhe zu finden gehört mitunter zu den schwierigsten tasks seit ich auf fair fashion umgestellt habe. wobei das problem nicht darin liegt labels zu finden, die nachhaltig produzieren, denn davon gibt es genug, sondern labels die auch noch schöne schuhe herstellen. leider schreien die meisten “grünen schuhe” da draußen nur so nach Öko, was ich wirklich schade finde. nicht so bei diesen chelsea boots von kavat. das schwedische familienunternehmen stellt seine schuhe in schweden unter strengen ökologischen auflagen her und ist mit dem EU eco-label ausgezeichnet. als wohl größter chelsea boot fan aller zeiten bin ich unendlich dankbar endlich eine nachhaltige version von meinem lieblingsschuh gefunden zu haben!

finding sustainable shoes that also look nice has been one of the hardest tasks ever since switching to fair fashion. i recently stumbled upon the label kavat and ordered these amazing chelsea boots. the family company still produces under the 4th generation in their factory in sweden and stands for their passion for sustainability and craftsmanship. as a sucker for chelsea boots i am beyond happy to have found a sustainable version of my favorite shoe!



maaaan, how busy has life been lately? sorry peeps for the lack of outfit photos lately but it seems like i get up in the morning and with the blink of an eye it’s already midnight! part of it is much work but also the puppy who needs much attention these weeks. 
you can still follow me on instagram (@dariadaria_com) for more regular updates!