right after i finished university i milan, i had the honor to assist the most amazing luca finotti on a set for a shoot for moschino. not only has it been one of the most interesting work experiences i have ever had, also i became the biggest moschino fan. all the moschino staff on the set was so incredibly nice, humble and friendly – not at all what you’d expect people from “high street fashion” to be (and what a lot of them aren’t). even the chief menswear designer helped like everyone else did, without taking himself too serious or special. moschino still produces a lot of their products in italy or the rest of europe. like many stella mccartney items, this bag was also produced in hungary, austria’s next door neighbors! i have wanted it for such, such a long time and feel so lucky to finally own it: it’s perfectly sized, the perfect mixture of clean but playful and of incredible quality!

Photos by Vicky
erste fotografisch rohe eindrücke aus indien. noch habe ich manchmal das gefühl zu träumen, die gerüche und indischen klänge holen mich allerdings recht rasch auf den boden der wirklichkeit zurück. unser erster halt, cochin, eine alte handelsmetropole am meer, mit seinen beeindruckenden kolonialbauten und fischernetzen, die von chinesischen kaufleuten inspiriert wurden, ist einfach nur atemberaubend. anfangs traute ich mich nicht so recht meine kamera aus der tasche zu holen, doch schnell wurde ich mit den menschen warm und fühle mich auch etwas sicherer als zuvor. FROHE WEIHNACHTEN euch allen!
EN: some first raw photo impressions from cochin, our first stop. i havent quite realized where i am but the lovely sounds and many smells brought me back to reality. the people are so kind and lovely, much more than i expected. this place blows my mind. merry christmas to all of you!
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