this months i have been testing some new products and also kept using some longtime favorites. here’s my top 3 for june:

Kiehl’s skin rescuer: one of my major skin problems seems to be coming to an end. redness and flare-ups! i have used this little wonder bottle for about 10 days now and it’s working miracles (as always with kiehl’s!). my skin is a lot “calmer”, less red and using it in the morning really helps with those “puffy” and “blown up” skin areas.
La Roche-Posay anthelios: this sunscreen is ALWAYS in my handbag, i have been using it for a year now but this little bottle doesn’t seem to come to an end. the good thing about this one is that it has a matt-formula which doesn’t grease up the skin as many other sunscreens do.
Lâncome Hypnôse Star: already mentioned in this post, i have now tried out all the mascaras of the alber elbaz cooperation and the hypnôse star is my favorite. gives volume AND length. totally my thing.


andy warhol + bugaboo collection
bugaboo: the ferrari of all strollers. and also probably a blogging mother’s dream. last week i was invited to the press launch of the bugaboo buffalo and actually decided to go (even though i am nowhere close to having kids, but i was hoping they would bave some cute babies there, i really wanted to pinch some chubby cheeks!). i was actually very interested in looking behind this world of mums that walk around manhattan with their newborn sitting in a bugaboo, sipping their moccha frapuccinos, wearing stella mccartney jogging pants and prada sunglasses.

a stroller as a statussymbol? never thought something like this existed. well it does and it’s called bugaboo! according to max barenbrug, founder of bugaboo, the stroller is made for the parents, especially for men. i didn’t find that explanation quite politically correct (i studied design engineering so technical aspects are still very interesting as a woman) but apart from that i couldn’t quite believe what this little fella is capable of doing. you can bring it basically everywhere (sand, mountains, etc.) and still have a smooth ride. it can hold 16kg of luggage and if your baby is really fat you can also still have it sit in the buffalo, since the seat space can hold up to 23kg (i still don’t hope anyone has a baby like that). like all the bugaboo’s it’s super light and not that i know much about strollers, but as it is with anything you have to carry around all day: light is always better.
one thing is now clear to me: fashion goes far further than clothes, interior or food styling. everyday products become now fashionable.. maybe stylish wheelchairs will be the next big thing?

the new bugaboo buffalo


sometimes a girl needs to treat herself. i am very good at treating myself. i actually do it way too often! still more than happy with this prada dress i got myself for finishing my master! i am a full grown-up now (that’s a lie) so i thought i’d get myself a real grown-up dress.

dress PRADA / clutch ZARA / shoes MANGO / sunnies H&M / jewellery TIFFANY’S, DANIEL WELLINGTON AND N1


there’s some things that you see and within a nanosecond you decide you need them. for me this was the case with this daniel wellington watch. i have never been into watches but this one broke the spell: clean, timeless (great wordplay, eh?) and works with EVERY outfit. i got mine from 21diamonds and already thinking about getting the one with the colored straps… oops. PS! there’s a discount code for you! just use “DARIADARIA” when checking out on 21diamonds and save 15%!