there’s two types of presents: the ones that you wouldn’t be able to afford and the ones that you simply can’t buy. yesterday a very special someone gave me this drawing he made for me for my 3000 facebook fans. it’s probably the most wonderful gift i have ever received and i can’t believe how beautiful it is. dariadaria goes graffiti. amazeballs.
i’ve really been into this whole british-school-girl-style lately. leather brogues, wool skirt, turtleneck shirt and boyfriend coat = awesomeness. the comfiest but refined look ever! anyway, on this sunny day in milan i went winter coat shopping with mummy and she got me the puffiest coat of all at max & co. i hate hate hate puffy jackets but the one hiding in this bag really is the perfect fluffy coat for me.
a huge THANK YOU to all the lovely people out there who have contributed to the 3000 likes my fan page has. you guys are amazing and i appreciate every single like or comment a lot, lot, lot.