you know what makes the cool kids on the block the cool kids? THEIR KICKS. (yeah right, i got my gangster dictionary out.) ok, i am going to stop acting like i’m a gangster right now. all i want to say is: i LOVE these shoes. and i feel soooo cool in them. when i am late for work and about to miss the tram, i am like “whatevs, i am gonna do a little morning-sprint and catch that train… dogg.” speaking of dogs: have you noticed this pretty dog gentleman? his name is balu and he’s planing on getting his own blog and do outfit posts every day. yesterday his lovely owner, my beautiful friend julie, decided to do some partner look action and put him on a nice blue scarf. thanks to her i have these beautiful photos of lovely balu and me.
i am reeeeeally thinking of getting another pair of new balance shoes. never wanna take them off again. i got this pair at
zalando (who, btw, now also have a
swiss website) and they have so many more… i am thinking maybe the light gray ones? which ones would you pick?
shoes NEW BALANCE via ZALANDO / trousers & jacket ZARA