i am invited to showrooms probably every week. a lot of times i end up really disappointed, because they’re pretty much all the same. if i have learned something in marketing class it’s: as a brand you have to be authentic and follow your style. so why do so many companies present their new collections in boring rooms with boring settings? well diesel seems to do their homework when it comes to giving their brand shape. their SS 2012 showrom was a-m-a-z-i-n-g and really spoke for every single piece of their new collection. except from the little delay and having to wait in the cold, what waited for us on the inside was just incredible. a hidden club in the very old town of vienna, with several rooms, models functioning as actors, great cocktails and super nice interior. ufortunately in some rooms the pieces were a little poorly lit, but i guess it was part of the whole athmosphere in there. the collection contains very feminine work dresses, great silk/leather pieces and stylish fabric bags.
the evening at elysium was really a perfect one. the give-away at the end was also pretty cool and because i love my readers i will be giving it to one of you. thanks to diesel for an amazing night.