I am back home. Back from 19 days of awesomeness. 19 days of seeing old friends, meeting new people, going out, shopping, sightseeing and: delicious food. Everyone who knows me knows how much I love to eat out and how much effort it takes me to actually cook a meal. I am barely ever home and don’t really have any time to do proper cooking. But traveling made me realize, that my deep love for food needs to be brought to a next level. I’ve lived by myself for 4 years now, it is definitely time for me to start cooking. Also I am a vegetarian so most times I don’t have that much choice eating out. So today I got up and decided to be super domestic: did laundry, cleaned and went grocery shopping. I made an indian curry, without a real recipe though. Before putting it together I just browsed through some recipes and kind of put them together. Well I know it’s not a huge deal, but it really is for me! IT TASTES AMAZING! So proud of myself. And it’s so healthy!

Ingredients: Chickpeas (soft), potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, onions, garlic, fresh parsley
Sauce: coconut milk, vegetable stock, cream cheese, curry powder, curry spices (curry powder, coriander/cilantro, rosemary, curcuma, cinnamon, sesame, cumin), salt, pepper, some soy sauce