Two days really aren’t that much. Just realized that. I closed my eyes friday night and an instant later I woke up: it was monday and I am back in Vienna. I spent a wonderful time with my family and ate CONSTANTLY. I think I have eaten enough for the whole week. Some of you know that I am quarter persian, so my family in Berlin made delicious persian meals! My trip this time was generally different from the last one: very relaxing, no shopping, no partying. Just enjoying being with my loved ones.
So today I am really excited for the sold out Aloe Blacc concert at Arena Wien. Also I can’t believe I am already leaving for Chicago in only 10 days! I am thinking of getting a new camera before I leave, my old one is already 7 years old. Any suggestions for cameras?
Just before leaving for Berlin tomorrow I had an epiphany today and decided to get a new design for my blog. I wanted something more simple but add a little more gadgets on the side. But I am still working on it.
What do you think about the new design?
This was my outfit for uni today, something really comfortable, somehow I felt like a little french schoolgirl. Stripes are always fashionable in my opinion. My friend Jacob gave me this leather lunch bag from South Korea a couple of months ago, thanks so much! The mug coffee mug was also I gift and helps me through every morning. So tomorrow I am leaving for another weekend in Berlin and I can’t wait to be there when it’s nicer out. I will try to post before leaving tomorrow, but I’m afraid I’ll be too busy. Have a great weekend!