I’ve been thinking about narcissicm lately. Knowing you’re unusually selfish. Most importantly being comfortable with it. But where does healthy self-esteem glide into narcissism? Whatever my superego is doing or not doing. I am comfortable with it. Having this blog and basically shouting out my entire life to the world pretty much proves that I have a profound truthfulness to myself and my achievements. Thanks for 9000 clicks.
Just a quick post, since I didn’t have time to really take any photos today. It’s slightly getting nicer and sunnier in Vienna, winter’s almost gone. Went for a walk in the sun today – loved it 🙂 My weekend passed by so quickly, only two more days and I leave for Dublin and Berlin. I’ve been looking up loads of new music, here’s two featured tracks and one more video. I am so obsessed with the colors in the video, perfect mix of vivid and plain! Enjoy and have a great week.
Hi this is me, but not really. I’m basically out of order. Got 3 hours of sleep last night and my cold has gotten terrible. I look (and feel) like a mix of blood sucking zombie, drug addict in rehab and run over animal by the street. Make-up from yesterday, greasy hair und irritated skin. Oh how I love those days! BUT I did attend class and found out that the project I am going to be working on until September is AWESOME and we have a huge budget from our client that we can spend and use for planing. Coming home I started taking photos of my destroyed self and made myself a new fabric bracelet. Someone told me they look nasty but I think they’re cool. Period. I am going to spend these next days with lots of work and I really wanna check out “curry up!”, that new Indian fast food place. I’ve eaten so much italian lately, I honestly can’t see any more mozzarella, ciabatta, pesto, olives and tomatoes! Anywaaaaay… I was thinking of a new design for my blog. Maybe. Maybe not. Suggestions appreciated. Muah! | PS: My mom told me today she found out I had a blog and she started reading it.. So: HI MOM! I LOVE YOU!
Not feeling so well today – caught a terrible cold, trying to get some rest and not pass out in class. Here’s some photos I took with my Lomo the past week… I love that little piece of plastic! Besides feeling super sick and a little lonely my mood today got really good when I found out my friend got us tickets for GLOWFEST at IU! Pretty lights and Chiddy Bang are going to perform… It’s gonna be amazing, I can’t wait! The entire time I will spend at Indiana University will be part of the “Little 5” festivities which are supposed to be one of the greatest american college parties. So yeah, this makes me smile again 🙂