So I am back from my trip and I already miss it! So much that I am going back to Berlin next week! Only for a weekend though. I hope everything works out and I can move there for university in the fall. I met so many great people, had so much fun. I will add another post with some photos of specific places I went and I liked.
Now I have to do tons of stuff for uni before leaving for Berlin next week and then Chicago in less than three weeks. I really want to go and see the current exhibitions at MUMOK. Let’s see if I have the time 🙂 Spring has finally arrived Vienna, it’s nice and warm. I love driving in my car with my shades on, windows down and music on – I’m actually a really trashy person!
Anyway, check out the COS website here. Love the new collection, got a great, long dress (will post it soon), a leather necklace, awesome shirts with leather details… Scandinavian and beautiful! Love the cooperations they have with different artist, especially the current “stills” by Todd McLellan.