Look at those eyes. They’re saying: I’m tired, I am hungover, I saw the coolest shows ever, I met cool people, I danced my ass off, I ate junk food, I got soaking wet in the rain, I slept in a car with my best friend and: I WANT SOME SLEEP. So yeah, UAF was insane, I have a new obsession for Deichkind after seeing their amazing live performance. Unfortunately there were some things that made me really mad, such as drugs everywhere and the fact that we couldn’t get into the main hall friday night… Paying 100 Euros for a ticket and then not being able to see some of the main acts. What a joke.
Anyway, I only took photos with my lomo camera, so real photos from the festival will be following soon. Until then I have some phone shots, just so you know how cool the lights shows were 🙂

shorts, belt, top | h&m
sunnies, shirt | UO
hat | some trashy store in Las Vegas