Something I am awful at: posing. Most times the voice in my head says (apart from loads of other things it says): “yeah, cool! that must look like a cool pose! do it!” and then, looking at the picture… oh well. More of a stuffed animal. And what’s that thing with the arm? Madeleine, what where you doing?
But hey, anyway: TODAY’S the the day. The angewandte fashion show is taking place and then the official aftershow party at pratersauna. I’ll be there playing with balloons, doing face painting and cheering for Jazz Gitti, who’s gonna be performing! It couldn’t be more spectacular, so come and party!

blouse & top | h&m
trousers & sunnies | UO
belt & small purse | vintage
tote bag | gifted by seoul leeum samsung museum of art
shoes | TOMS