Vro-tz-wav, vrahts-wahf, vrotz-lav, rotz-slarv! Damn it! I am giving up on pronouncing Wroclaw correctly. Not as “polished” and touristy as Krakow we spent two nights here. We had the best dinner ever at Restaurant Przystan and an amazing party on the rooftop of Hotel Monopol with all the super nice google people working in Wroclaw. I got a little sick after spending 15 zloty (!!), on M&M’s at 4 am in the morning and inhaling the whole pack. Of course, the next morning we had one of the top 3 worst hangovers of our lives but the great polish dumplings helped us recover fast. The old town was beautiful but I was more interested in side tracking and discovering “real” Wroclaw. Enjoy!