yesterday it’s been snowing and snowing and snowing. i’ve put on my favorite sweater, my new h&m trend necklace and went, all bundled up, to see a really interesting play at brut. i was invited by two really sweet friends, who founded their own theatre blog (surprise, surprise: there’s actually blogs with profound content not evolving around nail polish and jeffrey campbells newest elephant shoe). it’s called die vierte wand and you should definitely check it out if you are located in vienna and into theatre or opera. anyway, the piece “tomorrow’s parties” was performed forced entertainment, an experimental theatre group from the UK. tomorrow’s parties explores the ideas of the future and it’s repeating clichés. just sitting there and listening for 1,5 hours was really exciting at first and then maybe getting a little monotone (“come on! do something exciting! where’s the special effects?”). the idea of putting simple thought and words instead of a story, scenery and dramaturgy is a really great one though. all in all the piece was pretty impressing, since i’ve never seen anything like it before.
thanks to the girls from die vierte wand! i had a great night.