first night in milan: crazyness. like i told you here, 55DSL flew me into town to be guest at the premiere of “beyond mountains, more mountains”. the movie was directed by the trio “canada” from barcelona, who are absolutely genius. we saw the movie at piccolo teatro di milano as part of the milano film festival. canada created a short movie about a girl and a guy, conquering the world and looking for something. i won’t tell you what it is because you need to watch it yourself.
anyway, after the screening, i got to know the whole PR / marketing / creative team of 55DSL at a cosy sit down dinner. let me tell you one thing: i have NEVER in the fashion world met such funny, down-to-earth, easy-going and wonderful people as the team behind 55DSL. i had so much fun and felt like sitting with a group of friends i’ve known forever. with a super-huge belly i made my way to the after-party at spazio concept, were we had some drinks and a little out of control dance-party.
my first night in my new hometown milan has been wonderful, exciting and so much fun. thanks to 55DSL for making it all possible.